Simple, fast, high-performance digital radiography


Medicare/ Medicaid X-Ray Reimbursement Requirements

The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016 (Section 502(a)(1 )) is titled "Medicare Payment Incentive for the Transition from Traditional X-Ray Imaging to Digital Radiography and Other Medicare Imaging Payment Provision." It amends the Social Security Act by reducing the payment amounts under the Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) by 20 percent for the technical component (and the technical component of the global fee) of imaging services that are X-rays taken using traditional film or Computerized Radiography (CR). This is effective for services provided on January 1, 2017 or later. There will be continued reductions for film and CR users that will increase as time progresses. The impetus of this Act is to promote the transition to digital imaging which provides improved diagnosis and faster patient care, more environmentally conscious technology and enables a global footprint and advances the need for remote care.


Multiple Size Options

Multiple Size Options

Retrofit or Upgrade any make or model x-ray system (depending on age) with a simple software upgrade (Tigerview PACS Software or Visaris AvanseDR Software) and choose from our selection of digital X-Ray Panels. DR imaging systems with exceptional ergonomic feel and handling, diagnostic flexibility and reliability. Seamlessly retrofit existing CR/film devices into a full DR room with a range of detectors and console platforms. High level of system integration, many advanced imaging functions for all possible applications. From light weight tablet consoles, to fully integrated desktop consoles, fixed DR room solutions and everything in between. Paired with flat panel detector(s) with dedicated Wi-Fi connection allows seamless workflow between multiple stationary radiography rooms or mobile x – ray systems. Just ask any of our users. Fewer clicks = more time for other details in the office. Clean, simple look and automated functions: loading, processing, sending, etc.


Premium Gadox Wireless 12x12 & 14x17 Flat Panel Detectors

High quality, yet simple and cost effective. Truly wireless premium Gadox solution. Tiger DR-PW 12”x 12” and 14”x 17” are Premium Gadox cassette-size wireless flat panel detectors and do not require a cable connection with an X-ray generator to synchronize the signals. These ultra thin and lightweight wireless detectors allow digitizing without modification of existing conventional imaging systems. Cable free functionality gives the user a true wireless detector at a fraction of the cost.

  • Fast image acquisition time

  • Light and slim design

  • Web Viewer - Direct image review from any mobile devices

  • Long Battery life time

  • Internal Image Storage

  • 3 Year Panel Warranty

  • Direct to PC - Truly Wireless Setup

  • TigerView software with specialty specific measurements

  • Directly integrates with TigerView software.


With either Tigerview Software or AvanseDR Software. We can provide a number of panels to fit your needs or specifications from great manufacturers like Vivex, Toshiba, Fuji, Vieworks, Varex, Philips and others.

Stop using film or using old CR before it breaks, look at your options TODAY. Call and we can have an honest conversation about what options you have with Gentox Medical Services. You can keep your old images and have a 50% jump in image quality. We have taken out all of the guesswork and uncertainty around X-Ray upgrades and their costs. Our job is to get you an aggressive quote, financing should you need it and get you back to full X-Ray reimbursements with hospital image quality ASAP.