MedWORX-ANS is the only available medical device for assessing the Autonomic Nervous System and Arteries in one simultaneous exam.  It helps the physician to distinguish the cause of neuropathic or vascular symptoms.  Although the symptoms may imitate each other, it is imperative to distinguish between Autonomic Neuropathy and Artery Disease because the treatments are quite different.  MedWORX-ANS performs accurate, simultaneous measurements that are based on established medical guidelines without any extrapolation of the results.  MedWORX-ANS is focused on the Autonomic Nervous System and Vascular System for the early detection and monitoring of complications resulting from chronic diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes.

Any medical assistant or nurse can operate the device.  From the moment the patient walks into the room to the time they walk out, the entire patient set-up and testing can be completed in less than 15 minutes.  As a physician you will have access to critical information that will help you with diagnosis and treatment of your patients.  Similar results that would have taken appointments with specialists, several days of testing and thousands of dollars.  All now completed in less than 15 minutes in your office.  Completely reimbursable by all insurance companies including medicaid managed plans.  We have the EOB's to prove reimbursement in the $300 to $400 range.  Call us for an in office demo anywhere in the country.


Cardiac Autonomic Testing measures neuro‐cardiac function which reflects heart‐brain interactions and autonomic nervous system dynamics. The autonomic nervous system is involved in the function of virtually every organ system and clinical manifestations of autonomic dysfunction are involved in just about every disease. As a result, ANS analysis is used as a screening and monitoring tool in many disease processes. MedWORX ANS delivers laboratory analyses to the physician's office, enabling professionals to assess patient health conveniently and reliably. Applications include:

  • Verifying the effectiveness of treatment and intervention

  • Monitoring overall patient health

  • Screening the general population

  • Identifying various health issues such as heart palpitations, pain management, sleep apnea, anxiety, stress, psychological disorders, asthma, and neurological conditions

  • Examining for CAN (Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy) and DAN (Diabetes Autonomic Neuropathy)

  • Measuring the Sympathetic Nervous System's predominance in cases such as Metabolic Syndrome, Hypertension or Heart Failure

  • Screening for unfavorable in the absence of clinically apparent health situations

Autonomic Function Assessment has acquired exceptional popularity over the last few years. Nowadays, the mainstream medical associations around the world accept ANS studies as one of the best predictors of specific and non‐specific health risk. Scientific and Clinical studies have established its usefulness in almost all branches of medicine.


  • Sudomotor Markers'

    • Peak sweat gland blood flow and density.

  • Heart Rate Variability Analysis (HRV)

    • Total Power, SDANN, LF, HF and LF/HF.

  • Cardiac Autonomic Reflex Test (CARTs)

    • Valsalva Ratio, E/I Ratio, K30/15 Ratio and systolic blood pressure response difference while standing.


  • Photoplethysmography (PTG) Analysis.

  • Volume Plethysmography Analysis.

  • Second Derivative PTG.

  • Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV)

  • Peripheral Augmentation Index (pAIx)

  • Central Aortic Systolic Pressure (CASP)

  • Ankle Brachial Indices (ABI)

  • Toe Brachial Index (TBI)



Journal of Diabetes/ University of Miami Study

Journal of Diabetes/ New Method of Sudomotor Function Measurement to Detect Microvascular Disease

ECronicon Neurology Research Article/ Identifying Autonomic Neuropathy & Endothelial Dysfunction in Type II Diabetic Patients


Testing is performed in roughly 7-10 minutes and is completely non invasive.

  1. Patient is lying down and relaxed for at least 5 minutes.

  2. Set up patient and input patient info.

  3. Place the disposable electrodes on the soles of the feet, then place cuffs on the arm and legs, and finally place pulse oximeter on the finger.

  4. Start the exam and follow the instructions on the software.

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