Medworx Shockwave

Focused Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy


... Focused Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) and Trigger Point Shock Wave Therapy (TPST) in orthopedics, physical therapy, chiropractic, sports medicine and pain

Gentle treatment of chronic pain

Extracorporeal shock waves have been used successfully in the treatment of chronic pain since the early '90s. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) and trigger point shock wave therapy (TPST) are highly efficient, non- surgical treatments for chronic pain in the musculoskeletal system. The Medworx Shockwave offers a significant expansion of the range of applications for Myofascial Pain Syndrome. The extracorporeal, focused shock wave allows precise diagnosis and therapy of active and latent trigger points. Trigger points are thickened, pain-sensitive points within an unusually tense muscle. That can cause a variety of pain even well away from trigger point location.

How it works

  • The heart of the Medworx Shockwave is the compact size and unique features.

  • Operation is simple with the multifunction controls and display screen on the top of the device. Where all the device settings and parameters can be set and monitored.

  • The penetration depth can be varied at the therapy source by exchanging gel pads of different thicknesses. An additional advantage is the large area energy coupling with an aperture angle of 94°. This lowers the energy density at the surface of the skin and reduces pain. The specifically dosed energy has 20 intensity levels allowing treatment without sedation.

Eliminating pain with shock wave trigger therapy


Shock waves have been used successfully by specialists for many years in the treatment of diseases of themusculoskeletal system. The classic indications for shock wave therapy (ESWT) are diseases of the tendon attachments such as changes in the soft tissue area of the rotator cuff in the shoulder, tennis or golf elbow, Patellar Tip Syndrome in the knee or plantar fasciatis.


In trigger point shock wave therapy TPST, the depth of penetration, the intensity, power and pulse frequency of the shock-wave pulses can be adapted easily to the various indications. Prior to treatment, the trigger points can be found and precisely located with a delineated focus point. The variable depth of penetration allows triggers to be located accurately and treated even in deep muscle. This feature of the treatment means maximum relief.

Focused extracorporeal shock wave therapy – ESWT

Advantages in ESWT-B

  • Deep, clearly defined penetration

  • Practically maintenance-free

  • Highly accurate treatment

  • Low risk of haematoma

  • Maximum energy directly in the treatment area

  • Practically no skin irritation

  • Small design, portable, compact


The Medworx Shockwave is a compact and extremely mobile ESWT unit for individual therapy options:

  • Epicondylitis humeri radialis and ulnaris

  • Jumper's knee

  • Plantar fasciitis with heel spurs

  • Tendinosis calcarea

  • Impingement syndrome

  • Pseudoarthrosis

Shoulder Soft tissue treatment at the rotator cuff of the shoulder with and without calcification (tendinosis calcarea)

Elbow Tennis and golf elbow (epicondylitis humeri radialis and ulnaris)

Knee Treatment of the patellar tendon attachment "jumper”s knee.

Foot Treatment of the plantar fascia in cases of heel pain.

Trigger point shock wave therapy – TPST

Advantages in TPST

  • Mobile and focused ESWT system

  • Deep penetration up to 40 mm

  • Treatment with a pulse frequency up to 16 HZ

  • Precise localisation of trigger points

  • Low risk of haematoma

  • Broad range of applications

  • Individual therapy options

  • Long working life – extremely economical


The extracorporeal, focused shock wave allows the therapy at the precise location of active and latent trigger points. The trigger is detected by the small focus point of the Medworx Shockwave Machine. That allows precise location without palpation that is often painful for the patient.

  • Neck

  • Shoulder

  • Back

  • Buttock

  • Knee

  • etc

Neck muscles

Shoulder muscles

Back muscles

Buttock muscles Further indications:Knee muscles

ED Therapy Protocol

Most men suffering from erectile dysfunction have vascular problems affecting the vessels that supply blood to the cavernous bodies of the penis, resulting in a decreased ability to develop and maintain an erection. The end result is an inadequate bloodflow followed by premature draining of an already reduced amount of blood from the cavernous bodies, meaning an erection is not achieved. Shockwave Therapy for ED of this type can be a highly effective treatment.


1. Target to spongy tissue in 5 different areas.

2. 300 impacts per area,total 1500 impacts in one treatment.

3. Twice a week,treat consistently for 3 weeks,then stop for 3 weeks. And start next course.

4. Should be more impacts at the top end of penis and less impacts at the bottom of penis.

Shockwave for Cellulite Reduction

Shockwave, or Acoustic Radial Wave Therapy works by stimulating the fat breakdown, collagen synthesis, and lymphatic drainage. A shockwave is delivered by placing a probe up against the areas of cellulite, as it passes over the area it emits radial waves through the skin.

Shockwave for Cellulite Reduction

Shockwave is a safe,non-invasive,FDA approved form of treatment for the reduction of cellulite and other body slimming benefits.Various parts of the body can be treated effectively.

As fat cells grow larger, cellulite gets trapped under the skin, causing the surface of the skin to bulge. This leads to the tell-tale dimpling appearance. Blood flow is restricted by the unhealthy fat cells.

Acoustic Wave Therapy has been found to be the first non-invasive treatment method to ensure effective and long-lasting treatment of agerelated connective tissue weakness,especially in the treatment of cellulite. Acoustic waves stimulate microcirculation in connective tissue and fat cells and improve existing metabolic regulation disorders to reduce the sizable signs of cellulite.


Interface and Navigation

Easy-to-use Interface

Medworx Shockwave incorporates touch screen technology to ensure a high degree of simplicity. The easy-to-use menu-driven user interface guarantees reliable selection of all necessary parameters for treatment set-up as well as lasting patient results. All essential settings are easily controlled.


Standard Accessories

Technical Specifications