Add Allergy and Immunotherapy to your clinic.  Incredibly easy and simple to use, no specialist needed.  Create extra value and additional clientele.  

For speed and dependable efficiency, trust the Skintestor OMNI™.  This self-loading, 10-head multiple-site skin testing device lets you test for multiple allergens in a short period of time. Discover greater flexibility in testing setups with a 40-well tray.  The Skintestor OMNI offers efficiency, with an average of 1,031 tests per 5 mL vial.  Self-loading, multiple-site skin testing device – Multiple tests – Broad screens in less time • 40-well labeled tray for flexibility in testing setup • 10 test sites per applicator – 40 allergens tested with just 4 applications • Flexible application options on arm or back.  Large, covered wells – Better maintenance of allergen integrity – Less opportunity for cross contamination • Ample space for tray labeling – Easy to read – Customized laminated labels available • Small tray footprint – Easier refrigerator storage – Able to pre-fill more trays • Compliant with OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard.